Some projects

These are some of my projects that I find interesting to share.

[WIP] Star Wars D-O Droid

[WIP] Star Wars D-O Droid

One of my current projects is building the D-O droid from the Star Wars sequels. It will be a fully functional droid that can move around and make sounds. It is based on a design by Michael Baddeley which some major software changes. I am currently writing a blog post about this project, it will be available soon.

The following technologies were used: Raspberry PiArduinoROS3D Printing
Weather Station

Weather Station

I have always been interested in building my own weather station, I am currently working on one. While the project is not finished yet, you can already see the weather station in action (currently it is not live!).

The following technologies were used: WebVueNuxtSpringArduinoESP
ISW Leuven

ISW Leuven

For the student association ISW Leuven I made a new website and also a whole authentication system with a marketplace that made it possible for students to list their used books so that other students can buy it instead of a new one.

The following technologies were used: WebLaravelVueNuxtKubernetes


Created a website for a therapeutic center. Made using Nuxt with a custom lightweight backend.

The following technologies were used: WebVueNuxt


A website for an independant jeweler and leatherworker.

The following technologies were used: WebCMS
Boomverzorging Michiel

Boomverzorging Michiel

This very simple one page website was made for my brother who is a treeworker.

The following technologies were used: WebVueNuxt
ADS-B Receiver

ADS-B Receiver

As I am an airplane pilot myself I am always interested in the planes flying around. Therefore I decided to make a small ADS-B receiver, I transmit the data to FlightAware, FR24 and ADS-B Exchange.

The following technologies were used: HardwareAirplanes & SpaceRaspberry Pi
No image available.

Self-hosted services

At home I have a Proxmox server running, next to that I also have multiple cloud servers running various things.

The following technologies were used: NetworkingProxmoxCloud
School assignment website

School assignment website

For a school project me and 3 other students were asked to create a static HTML website for a real company. Everyone had to make their own design, this was my result.

The following technologies were used: Web
No image available.

Video learning platform

I have been working on a video learning platform for a while now. I hope to release educational videos about technology and programming on this platform.

The following technologies were used: WebSupabaseSvelteKit
No image available.


This is my own personal research network. I have two IPv6 prefixes and advertise them on the internet.

The following technologies were used: NetworkingBGP